i saw flowers...

how close is too close..? if i get too close i start seeing blurry..
we are close, right? we are similar? how similar... sometimes i think we are the same person.
Did we grow in the same womb? we are twins? we are twins from different seeds.
i am worried about you, okay... dont do any-thing too scary, please i know it isn't your fault
sometimes i feel like everything in the world is my fault, i feel like that a lot when i think of you..
i like feeling that way. it makes me feel, bigger than myself. it makes me feel like you still think about me.
its been 3 years, i tell everyone about you. how has it been so long already? i feel like its still happening..
im too scared,to, move on, i hold on to you, i talk to everyone about it. i laugh at you too...
i can be pretty sadistic
you know that already, hahaha. i wont be able to recover?
it still feels like yesterday, and it was 3 years ago.. 4? 5?
i feel like i was born yesterday, next to you, we are twins, right?
im worried about you...

did you hear me?

i can't move on.
i'm scared.