i check my scares in the morning,see if they're still there...
they're still there...They;re still there...They're still They're...
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything
can I really do anything

im scared, i scared my self pretty badly for a couple of month..s?
what if i wake up one day and all my scares will be gone?
what then? what have I worked so hard, so far for?
for all the scares to fade away? I like it on my skin

What then? won't I be scared anymore? Not at all?

what then? I'm scared...


but time, keeps, going...
and the flowers, i saw them... they are blooming
and i have a strange hole in here.
and i dont think i need to fill it. Instead,
some thing new might grow...

i saw this painting on the grownd next to a dumpster the other day, along with some other paintings.
i guess whoever threw them away decided that it was time to let go of them.
i wondered if i should take it home with me, the canvas. but i restrained myself. i looked at all the paintings, and this one looked "focused" more than the others.
i took a picture.