Your name is LOOZ. At least that's the name you use when writing about yourself on your cool WEB-SITE.

You have a variety of INTERESTS. Some of which you are indulging in right now, by writing this. You enjoy MAKING STUFF HAPPEN ON COMPUTERS, and CODING, but all you know how to do for now is code in HTML. Some people would say HTML is not a REAL CODING LANGUAGE, but you just ignore them. Fuck the haters. Fuck them. You also really love DRAWING. In fact you prefer drawing over anything else, basically. But you are happy with being crafty in other ways too, like by KNITTING or PLAYING THE UKULELE. When you are able to concentrate, you try READING any book you have lying around. You are naturally drawn to KAFKAESQUE STORIES, but you are pretty versatile. You spend much of your time on your COMPUTER (again), but you get HEADACHES easily. You always need to remind yourself to stay hydrated, damn it! From time to time you take interest in FLORA AND FAUNA, of various kinds, and tend to read about it on WIKIPEDIA. You should mention your exceptional fondness for VEGETABLES - especially radishes. They are awesome.
You may often seem PREOCCUPIED with something, and that would be because you ARE. You're always preoccupied with something.

You wonder if you should even write all of these arbitrary details about yourself. That is because you are very CONTEMPLATIVE of pretty much everything you do. Often, this stops you from doing things.

You'd consider yourself a pretty average girl/guy, but that would be a lie. You feel very abnormal, and it makes it hard for you to talk to others.