LIKES: sunlight,VERY BRIGHT COLORS, running, jumping, climbing, photosynthesising.
HATES:being BURIED UNDERGROUND!!!!!!!!! and dry climate.
WHATS HER DEAL: Radishgirl (as the name explains it) is a girl, made of radish. her origin story is ambiguous and no one really knows how she came to be; some say she comes from a planet far-far away from earth,(or is it?) where veggie=people and everyone is a veggie walking about...... some say she wascreated in a lab, where The scientists injected girl-genes in to radish and watched the mutated thing evolve into something new. some say the radish-genes were in fact injected into a HUMAN GIRL............. No one can know the truth in full. Whatever she is doing though, she likes doing it with her BFF LIMONA